Despite the title of this blog, I really haven't been examining much lately as there seems to have been a great deal to do. A friend finally managed to discover how I could buy the Tinto app for Instagram......herewith some experiments in looking at things differently.

The subway -- a place to lose oneself in cell-phone world. With violent crime way down in New York, thefts of Apple products are way up.....

This is the gloomy lens.....

And this is Spring Street in Soho looking ancient.

The nice girl who sold me cheesecake in Dean and Delucca. (I pretend to be a foreigner/tourist when I ask to take photos. I suppose I could just say I was a blogger....)
Then I got bored of all the gloom and changed over to a brighter film.....

and looked out of the window at the suddenly bright white wall on 8th Avenue

and at my positively transcendental pencil mug.

A different day on 5th Aveue the sky was astoundingly blue (well, it always is blue but this lens makes it extra bright.)

The church on 20th Street that pretends to be English....

and a bike outside the laundry.
All this makes me think of the old saw about 'rose-tinted glasses', and the effects of exciting music in films and all the things we do to alter mood (gosh!-- booze, drugs...poetry, words, effects of light!)
Happy New Year.
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